Epping Primary School

01992 572408

New Summer Term Menus

With the (hopefully) summery weather here comes the summer lunch menus!

New menus are being introduced from next week (staring with Mango on Tuesday 8th May).

Please have a look at the tasty new menus:

Week one - Mango

Week two - Lemon

Week 3 - Melon

Some tasty highlights are: Crispy Polenta Chicken, Flatbread served with Falafel and Greek Yoghurt and Blueberry and Lemon Tray Bake.

You will also see that Thursday each week will be ‘Picnic Day’ where pupils ordering the meat or vegetarian picnic option will have the opportunity of taking their paper picnic bag outside to eat their lunch and make the most of the summer sunshine (weather permitting).

We will still be offering a hot meal option on this day consisting of a Jacket Potato served with assorted toppings which pupils will eat in the hall.

The cost of these meals for KS2 pupils will be £11.00 per week (£2.20 per day) and are still excellent value. Meals for pupils in EYFS and KS1 continue to be funded by the Government under the Universal Free School Meals Scheme.

Have a look at the calendar each week to see which week we are on and what is on the menu that week. Pupils in EYFS and KS1 will receive a paper copy of this menu for completion and return in book bags as normal.

For more information about our lunch menus please see the lunch menu page.