School Council News
Summer 2024 report
Written by our Year Six School Council leads
One of the things that the School Council has done this year is to organise a Christmas Food Bank collection. Each class had its own items to donate. Our school community donated an enormous amount (300kg) of Christmas treasures including: advent calendars, Christmas puddings, Christmas crackers, Christmas chocolate, gifts, toiletries and lots of tinned and cupboards foods. This helped local families in the Epping Forest Community have a nice Christmas.
The Epping Forest Food Bank were very happy to receive our donations as they are having to help more people.
To inform the school of the Food Bank and their work we helped do an assembly at Thanksgiving.
At the beginning of December Dylan G (Chairperson), represented the school, and helped judge the Christmas 2023 high street window competition with the Mayor.
We helped run the poppy collection.
Recently we have been working on a project for the children to win ‘Magic Gloves’ - this will take place in the Autumn Term – the children can enter a piece of writing or draw a cartoon / picture telling the story of their magic gloves.
We helped organise a well-being survey that all the classes undertook, by explaining some of the ideas to the classes.
The School Council have been involved in ideas for the Year 6 Enterprise Week (8th July) are hoping for good weather so we can sell lots of ice lollies and people can take part in the different activities.
We are also getting a price for a Frozen Yogurt pop up stall week beginning 15th July, any money raised will be spent on something for the school from the leaving Year 6.