Related Pages
- Headteacher's Welcome
- Vision and Values
- British Values
- Governing Body
- Staff
- School Tours
- School Tour Gallery
- Curriculum
- Cultural Capital
- How We Teach Phonics
- Assessment
- KS2 SATs
- Growth Mindset
- Friends of Epping Primary School
- School Council
- Eco Council
- Wellbeing Award
- Sport and PE
- Epping Forest School-Led Improvement Partnership
Welcome to Epping
Primary School
Welcome to our school website, which we hope shows visitors a taste of our school and why we are very proud of our children, staff and school community.
We believe that Epping Primary should be the first choice for all parents and carers who want their child to experience a happy, healthy and productive start to their school career.
We hope you enjoy looking round and we think you'll agree that Epping Primary School is a pretty special place for your child to be!
Mrs T O'Donnell