Epping Primary School

01992 572408

Our School Day

Start of school day

Morning gates will open at 8:35am, whereby only pupils should enter the playground and into their classrooms directly as they arrive; no parents/carers are expected to enter or wait with your child/ren in playground of a morning time. 

Staff are waiting each morning at the school gates to meet and greet the pupils as well as supervise them as they directly enter the classroom. Therefore, the drop off slot will be between 8:35am – 8:45am for Year 1 to 6 and 8.40am for EYFS.

Assembly times

10.15am - 10.30am EYFS and Key Stage 1 
10.00am - 10.15am Key Stage 2

Moral Monday: British value and school values. 
Tune in Tuesday: Music Appreciation 
Well-being Wednesday 
Thought provoking Thursday: Visitor/Festival Celebration/Subjects/Current affairs
Fulfilling Friday Awards: Achievements.

Morning play

10:00am - 10:15am EYFS/KS1

10:15am - 10:30am Lower KS2 (Years 3&4)

10:30am - 10:45am Upper KS2 (Years 5&6)


11:30am - 12:30pm is the lunchtime for EYFS and Key Stage 1 classes.

12:15pm - 1:15pm is the lunchtime for Key Stage 2 classes.

Afternoon play

2:30pm - 2:40pm is the playtime for EYFS and Key Stage 1 classes.

End of school day

3:05pm is the end of the day for Key Stage 2 classes.

3:10pm is the end of the day for Key Stage 1 classes.

3:15pm is the end of the day for EYFS.

All parents/carers, including EYFS, should enter via the KS2 gate from 3:05pm. Please collect your eldest child first from 3:05pm then younger children in KS1 from 3:10pm, EYFS should be collected from 3.15pm.

To keep the flow of traffic moving in one direction, exit for all parents/carers and pupils will be out via the KS1 gate

You will be asked to provide the names of adults who will be collecting your child from the school or in the case of a Year 5 or 6 pupil, the permission for them to walk home unaccompanied. The school works closely with all parents/carers to ensure the safety of all pupils at this busy time of the day.

Total Opening Times in a Typical Week

In a typical week Epping Primary is open for 32.5 hours.