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At Epping Primary School assessment is at the centre of our creative curriculum and is the basis of good teaching and learning. It allows learners to recognise their achievements and make progress. Assessment and its associated feedback are essential to pupil learning.
Good assessment encourages active learning and allows teachers to shape and adapt their teaching to individual needs. Peer and self-assessment, can foster a number of skills, such as reflection, critical thinking and self-awareness – as well as giving pupils insight into the assessment process.
Assessment for teaching and learning focuses on the opportunities to develop pupils' ability to evaluate themselves, to make judgements about their own and others’ performance and improve their own and others’ learning. It makes use of reliable assessment methods and offers lots of opportunities for pupils to develop their skills through formative assessment.
Epping Primary School Assessment Policy
Appendix to the Assessment Policy - the symbols explained
Guide to the assessment system
The School Governors have produced a useful leaflet on the way your child is assessed during their time at Epping Primary School.
Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA)
The RBA is a new national assessment that will be administered in all primary, infant and first schools in England to pupils in reception classes (Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)) during their initial weeks at the school. The assessment will provide a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school, establishing a new starting point to measure the progress they have made by the end of Year 6.
It is a short (approximately 20 minutes), practical assessment focusing on their early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills. Your child’s Class Teacher will carry out the assessment one-to-one with each pupil. It does not require any preparation at home or at school and will help teachers to understand what their pupils can do at the beginning of their time in EYFS.
If you require any more information regarding the RBA, please see the attached document from the Standards & Testing Agency or contact your child’s Class Teacher where they will be happy to discuss this further with you.
Information for Parents/Carers regarding the Reception Baseline Assessment
Useful guides to KS1 and KS2 SATS
The KS2 SATS Survival Guide - a Government Leaflet