Complaints Procedure
Any complaints regarding the content of the curriculum or the education of your child should be directed to the school. It is always best practice to raise concerns with the school as soon as possible and to seek a solution informally.
The first point of contact should be the Class Teacher. A quick question can often be dealt with at the end of the day, but if you wish to speak for longer please telephone to make a suitable appointment with the Class Teacher. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, then you should contact the school office who will refer your concerns to the Phase Leader. If you still have concerns after this point then you may need to meet with the Deputy Headteacher and ultimately the Headteacher who will wish to hear from all parties involved.
Formal complaints must be made to the Headteacher, via the school office, using the Complaint Form FC1 (Appendix 1). For any complaints made by phone or in person you will be requested to complete form FC1.
Please note that communication by school email is not considered to be secure or confidential enough for matters of formal complaints and the use of Form FC1 in Appendix 1 should be used.
If the response does not satisfy then the concern will be passed to the Governing Body to consider. Any concerns are always taken seriously and correct guidelines followed.
More information
For more details please see our Complaints Policy and the Essex Schools Complaints Toolkit on the Policies and Reports page.
For more information please enquire at the school office.